E8: Ultracold titanium
Lab room: Campbell LL104
Lab phone: (510) 664-4841
Graduate Students: Scott Eustice, Jackson Schrott, Anke Stöltzel
Undergraduate Students: Pouya Sadeghpour, Benjamin Capinski
Former Members: Kayleigh Cassella, Andrew Neely, Miguel Aguirre, Diego Pena, Harvey Hu, Lely Tran, Matthew Bilotta, Diego Novoa
Prospective students: we are always looking for interested students! Check out the information on this page and if you are interested in our work, feel free to contact us at scott_eustice@berkeley.edu!
In recent years, ultracold atoms have become an ideal experimental platform to study novel quantum phases of matter that are governed by quantum mechanics. In our new experiment, E8, we are expanding the quantum phases of matter that can be studied by laser cooling and trapping an element with strong anisotropic atom-light interactions: titanium.
Overview: Why titanium?
Our conception of the elements that have previously been cooled to ultracold temperatures: the simple, spherically symmetric atoms in black, the complex, magnetic atoms in red, and the intermediate atoms in blue
With any ultracold atomic system, a particular atom's electronic configuration dictates the variety and strength of interactions that can be realized in the system, and thus the phases that can be created. Titanium is unlike all previous laser cooled atoms and it's properties will allow us to probe the physics on particles with anisotropic interactions in ways other atoms cannot. These interactions are needed to study novel phenomena such as the fraction quantum Hall effect and topological materials in 2D systems.
To begin it is worth consdiering what can be done with the workhorse atoms of atomic physics, the alkalis and alkali-earth atoms. They all have highly symmetric ground states and consequently a simple spectrum of energy states. Cyclic transitions exist in the ground states of these systems, which makes cooling and trapping them easy. However, the symmetry of the ground state leads to atom-light interactions that are largely independent of both the atomic spin state and the light’s polarization, limiting the strength of anisotropic interactions that can be generated. Creating anisotropic light-atom interactions with these "simple" atoms requires near-resonant light[1], which significantly reduces experiment lifetimes through heating of the atoms.
The other major group of atoms that have been cooled to the ultracold regime are the so-called magnetic atoms: dysprosium (Dy) holmium (Ho), and erbium (Er), which are able to create strong anisotropic interactions with far-off-resonance light [2]. However, the atoms’ large magnetic moments (𝜇gs>𝜇B) creates long-range (dipolar) interactions that, while interesting, severely reduce the length of time that atoms in mixtures of spin states will remain trapped [3]. Without the ability to study spin mixtures, many interesting quantum phases remain unable to be realized using these aroms.
Titanium, and certain other transition metals, present a new atomic system compared to either of the previously studied atoms. A quantum degenerate gas of titanium atomic gas will allow for the realization of anisotropic light-atom interactions with far-off-resonance light in long-lived mixtures of spin states not limited by long-range dipolar interactions. This is possible because titanium’s lowest energy electronic configuration, [Ar]3d 24s2, yields a ground state a3F2 with non-zero orbital angular momentum (L=3), yet a small magnetic moment (𝜇gs=4/3𝜇B). Titanium has many stable isotopes, ensuring the likelihood of finding favorable atom-atom collisions. These properties make titanium an ideal experimental platform for studying many body quantum systems with anisotropic interactions.
How to laser cool titanium
While this ground state is not suitable for laser-cooling directly, a metastable state does have a broad, closed transition (λ = 498 nm, 𝛤/2𝜋 = 12.1 MHz) that is ideal for laser-cooling. Using this transition, we plan to laser-cool and trap titanium atoms via traditional means: spin-flip Zeeman slower addressing atoms from a hot metal vapor and further cooling and trapping in a magneto-optical trap (MOT), allowing us to reach temperatures of approximately 250 𝜇K.
Experimental System
We are working hard to build the experimental system in E8. Using our broadly tunable MSquared Ti:Saph laser, we have done a great deal of spectroscopy to identify the atomic transitions that are most of use in cooling and control of titanium. We have also implemented standalone lasers that address the transitions of interest, namely several Toptica external cavity diode lasers (ECDLs) at wavelengths of 398 nm, 453 nm, and 379 nm. The 398 nm light serves to image the atoms, while the 379 and 453 nm lasers serve in concert to perform efficient optical pumping from the ground state to the metastable excited state. In parallel to these light sources, we are exploring methods of creating atomic beams of titanium well suited for ultracold atom experiments. This proves to be no trivial task due to the high melting point of titanium! To this end, we have developed two sources which generate gas phase titanium: a source based on titanium sublimation getter pumps (TSPs) and a source based on laser ablation of a piece of titanium metal. Each of these sources has unique and promising directions. Titanium sublimation pumps are ubiquitous and simple to use. The laser ablation source yields extremely high fluxes of titanium, with a significant population in the metastable state due to the high energies involved. The day-to-day in our lab currently consists of characterizing our recently developed beam sources while in parallel working to directly load a 2-D magneto-optical trap from an ablation source. Future directions include building an advanced 2-D to 3-D magneto-optical trap loaded from an ablation cell and designing/constructing a chamber to feed a 3-D MOT with the titanium sublimation source.
E8 is an exciting experiment and provides many opportunities for learning everything about building an ultracold atoms experiment! If you are interested in the project, please reach out to scott_eustice@berkeley.edu, diego_novoa@berkeley.edu, or jack.schrott@berkeley.edu!
[1] Y. J. Lin, et. al. Nature, 471:83, 2011.
[2] N. Q. Burdick, et. al. Phy. Rev. X, 6:031022, 2016.
[3] N. Q. Burdick, et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114:023201, 2015.