Olive Eilbott

Graduate student

Lab: E3
Electronic mail address: <

Initially after joining the group, Olive worked on EX, a new Rydberg-atom tweezer array experiment for quantum simulation, while also learning about cQED in E3. But the atom-chip+cavity system is so cool that Olive transitioned to being full-time on E3 in late 2021, where they are thinking about new ways to create molecules.

Olive completed their undergraduate studies in physics at the University of Texas at Dallas in 2017, having dabbled in many topics that fascinated them from superfluid helium to the dynamics of microtubules. They especially loved astrophysics, studying microlensing by binary black holes with Dr. Lindsay King and Dr. Michael Kesden. Transitioning to life in Berkeley, Olive spent some time again in experimental condensed matter physics, this time exploring the world of ultrafast spectroscopy. They finally found their way to the Stamper-Kurn group in early 2021.

Outside of lab, Olive's hobbies include photography, dancing, running D&D campaigns and playing board games, appreciating beautiful clouds, teaching themself to play the piano, and balancing various objects. Their favorite color is green (#006400).