Joshua A. Isaacs


Office: 301B LeConte
Phone: (510) 642-7437
Email: jaisaacs at berkeley dot edu

Lab: E3

Josh joined the Stamper-Kurn group in the winter of 2018 to build a brand new ultracold molecule experiment. He is particularly interested in studying how we can take advantage of the large perminant electric dipole moment (4 Debye!) in our molecule, LiRb, to study quantum phase transitions and quantum computing schemes.

In recent months Josh has joined the E3 experiment with the hopes of observing ultracold chemistry in an optical cavity. How cool is that?!

Before joining the Stamper-Kurn group Josh completed his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin under the guidance of Prof. Mark Saffman (in collaboration with the group of Prof. Robert McDermott) studying quantum gates between superconductors and Rydberg atoms.