Emma Deist (Dowd)
PhD Candidate
Emma and Zephy at the lab ski retreat in Tahoe (spring 2017)
Office: 301A LeConte
Phone: (510) 642-9577
Email: edeist at berkeley dot edu
Lab: E6
Lab room: LL104 Campbell
Lab phone: (510) 664-4841
Emma joined the Stamper-Kurn group in spring 2016. She started out on E3 working with coupled spin and mechanical oscillators in an optical cavity. Now, she is part of the E6 team, working on the new cavity experiment to explore quantum control of few-body systems, assembled atom-by-atom.
Emma graduated from Harvard with a degree in chemistry and physics in 2015. As an undergrad, she did research in biophysics - specifically, voltage imaging in zebrafish. Biophysics is neat, but not as neat as quantum mechanics, so she switched over to AMO physics.