Superresolution Microscopy of Optical Fields Using Tweezer-Trapped Single Atoms

We realize a scanning probe microscope using single trapped 87Rb atoms to measure optical fields with subwavelength spatial resolution. Our microscope operates by detecting fluorescence from a single atom driven by near-resonant light and determining the ac Stark shift of an atomic transition from other local optical fields via the change in the fluorescence rate. We benchmark the microscope by measuring two standing-wave Gaussian modes of a Fabry-Pérot resonator with optical wavelengths of 1560 and 781 nm. We attain a spatial resolution of 300 nm, which is superresolving compared to the limit set by the 780 nm wavelength of the detected light. Sensitivity to short length scale features is enhanced by adapting the sensor to characterize an optical field via the force it exerts on the atom.

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Viewpoint article:

Direct Geometric Probe of Singularities in Band Structure

The band structure of a lattice can contain degeneracies between two or more bands, or singularities, at certain quasimomenta. One prominent example is the Dirac point in honeycomb lattice. The geometric properties of such points have been studied by measuring the associated Berry phase with trajectories that circle the singularity in momentum space. In our work, we instead use trajectories that go right into the singular points, and then turn at varying angles, to probe the population transport properties directly. We also provide to our knowledge the first measurement of the winding number of the quadratic band touching in the excited bands of a honeycomb lattice.

Tracking evaporative cooling of a mesoscopic atomic quantum gas in real time

The fluctuations in thermodynamic and transport properties in many-body systems gain importance as the number of constituent particles is reduced. Ultracold atomic gases provide a clean setting for the study of mesoscopic systems; however, the detection of temporal fluctuations is hindered by the typically destructive detection, precluding repeated precise measurements on the same sample. Here, we overcome this hindrance by utilizing the enhanced light-matter coupling in an optical cavity to perform a minimally invasive continuous measurement and track the time evolution of the atom number in a quasi two-dimensional atomic gas during evaporation from a tilted trapping potential. We demonstrate sufficient measurement precision to detect atom number fluctuations well below the level set by Poissonian statistics. Furthermore, we characterize the nonlinearity of the evaporation process and the inherent fluctuations of the transport of atoms out of the trapping volume through two-time correlations of the atom number. Our results establish coupled atom-cavity systems as a novel testbed for observing thermodynamics and transport phenomena in mesosopic cold atomic gases and, generally, pave the way for measuring multi-time correlation functions of ultracold quantum gases.

Isotope Shifts in the Metastable a5F and Excited y5G∘ Terms of Atomic Titanium

We measure and analyze the isotope shifts the multiplet of transitions between the metastable a5F and excited y5G∘ terms of neutral titanium by probing a titanium vapor in a hollow cathode lamp using saturated absorption spectroscopy. We resolve the five J→J+1 and the four J→J transitions within the multiplet for each of the the three I=0 stable isotopes (46Ti, 48Ti, and 50Ti). The isotope shifts on these transitions allow us to determine the isotope-dependent variation in the fine-structure splitting of the a5F and y5G∘ levels themselves. Combined with existing knowledge of the nuclear charge radii of titanium nuclei, we derive the specific mass and field shifts, which arise from correlated electronic motion and electronic density at the nucleus respectively, and further observe a strong J-dependent variation in each. Our results yield insight into the electronic and nuclear structure of transition metal atoms like titanium, and also characterize optical transitions that may allow for optical manipulation of ultracold gases of transition metal species.

The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory

Microgravity eases several constraints limiting experiments with ultracold and condensed atoms on ground. It enables extended times of flight without suspension and eliminates the gravitational sag for trapped atoms. These advantages motivated numerous initiatives to adapt and operate experimental setups on microgravity platforms. We describe the design of the payload, motivations for design choices, and capabilities of the Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL), a NASA-DLR collaboration. BECCAL builds on the heritage of previous devices operated in microgravity, features rubidium and potassium, multiple options for magnetic and optical trapping, different methods for coherent manipulation, and will offer new perspectives for experiments on quantum optics, atom optics, and atom interferometry in the unique microgravity environment on board the International Space Station.

Collisional spin transfer in an atomic heteronuclear spinor Bose gas

We observe spin transfer within a nondegenerate heteronuclear spinor atomic gas comprising a small 7Li population admixed with a 87Rb bath, with both elements in their F=1 hyperfine spin manifolds. Prepared in a nonequilibrium initial state, the 7Li spin distribution evolves through incoherent spin-changing collisions toward a steady-state distribution. We identify and measure the cross sections of all three types of spin-dependent heteronuclear collisions, namely the spin-exchange, spin-mixing, and quadrupole-exchange interactions, and find agreement with predictions of heteronuclear 7Li−87Rb interactions at low energy. Moreover, we observe that the steady state of the 7Li spinor gas can be controlled by varying the composition of the 87Rb spin bath with which it interacts.

Laser cooling of transition-metal atoms

We propose the application of laser cooling to a number of transition-metal atoms, allowing numerous bosonic and fermionic atomic gases to be cooled to ultralow temperatures. The nonzero electron orbital angular momentum of these atoms implies that strongly atom-state-dependent light-atom interactions occur even for light that is far-detuned from atomic transitions. At the same time, many transition-metal atoms have small magnetic dipole moments in their low-energy states, reducing the rate of dipolar-relaxation collisions. Altogether, these features provide compelling opportunities for future ultracold-atom research. Focusing on the case of atomic titanium, we identify the metastable a5F5 state as supporting a J→J+1 optical transition with properties similar to the D2 transition of alkali-metal atoms, and suited for laser cooling. The high total angular momentum and electron spin of this state suppresses leakage out of the nearly closed optical transition to a branching ratio estimated below ∼10−5. Following the pattern exemplified by titanium, we identify optical transitions that are suited for laser cooling of elements in the scandium group (Sc, Y, La), the titanium group (Ti, Zr), the vanadium group (V, Nb), the manganese group (Mn, Tc), and the iron group (Fe, Ru).

Cross-dimensional relaxation of 7 Li − 87 Rb atomic gas mixtures in a spherical-quadrupole magnetic trap

We measure the interspecies interaction strength between 7Li and 87Rb atoms through cross-dimensional relaxation of two-element gas mixtures trapped in a spherical-quadrupole magnetic trap. We record the relaxation of an initial momentum-space anisotropy in a lithium gas when cotrapped with rubidium atoms, with both species in the |F=1,mF=−1⟩ hyperfine state. Our measurements are calibrated by observing cross-dimensional relaxation of a 87Rb-only trapped gas. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we compare the observed relaxation to that expected given the theoretically predicted energy-dependent differential cross section for 7Li−87Rb collisions. The experimentally observed relaxation occurs significantly faster than predicted theoretically, a deviation that appears incompatible with other experimental data characterizing the 7Li−87Rb molecular potential.

Interaction-Enhanced Group Velocity of Bosons in the Flat Band of an Optical Kagome Lattice

Physical Review Letters Vol. 125, Iss. 13

Physical Review Letters Vol. 125, Iss. 13

Geometric frustration of particle motion in a kagome lattice causes the single-particle band structure to have a flat s-orbital band. We probe this band structure by placing a Bose-Einstein condensate into excited Bloch states of an optical kagome lattice, and then measuring the group velocity through the atomic momentum distribution. We find that interactions renormalize the band structure, greatly increasing the dispersion of the third band, which is nearly non-dispersing the single-particle treatment. Calculations based on the lattice Gross-Pitaevskii equation indicate that band structure renormalization is caused by the distortion of the overall lattice potential away from the kagome geometry by interactions.

Mean-Field Scaling of the Superfluid to Mott Insulator Transition in a 2D Optical Superlattice

The mean-field treatment of the Bose-Hubbard model predicts properties of lattice-trapped gases to be insensitive to the specific lattice geometry once system energies are scaled by the lattice coordination number z. We test this scaling directly by comparing coherence properties of 87Rb gases that are driven across the superfluid to Mott insulator transition within optical lattices of either the kagome (z = 4) or the triangular (z = 6) geometries. The coherent fraction measured for atoms in the kagome lattice is lower than for those in a triangular lattice with the same interaction and tunneling energies. A comparison of measurements from both lattices agrees quantitatively with the scaling prediction.