Emma Dowd December 19, 2011 Equilibrium dynamics of spin textures in a spinor Bose gas Emma Dowd December 19, 2011
Emma Dowd October 29, 2010 Cavity spin-optodynamics analogs of optomechanics Emma Dowd October 29, 2010
Emma Dowd September 22, 2010 Tunable cavity optomechanics with ultracold atoms Emma Dowd September 22, 2010
Emma Dowd May 13, 2010 Crystalline magnetic order in a dipolar spinor quantum gas Emma Dowd May 13, 2010
Emma Dowd August 27, 2009 Theory of domain formation in inhomogeneous ferromagnetic dipolar condensates Emma Dowd August 27, 2009
Emma Dowd April 28, 2009 Amplification of fluctuations in a spinor Bose Einstein condensate Emma Dowd April 28, 2009
Emma Dowd May 1, 2008 Spontaneously modulated spin textures in a dipolar spinor BEC Emma Dowd May 1, 2008