Johannes Zeiher
Postdoc (Feodor Lynen Research Fellow)
Office: 301B LeConte
Phone: (510) 642-7437
Email: johannes dot zeiher at berkeley dot edu
Lab: E3/E6
Lab room: B167 Birge/LL104 Campbell
Lab phone: (510) 664-4841
Johannes joined the Stamper-Kurn group in fall 2018 to work on cavity QED. He is particularly interested in the perspectives offered by optical cavities to induce controlled interactions between individual atoms and the question to what extent cavities can be used as an interface to quantum many-body systems for real-time tracking and feedback control. Johannes is supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship.
Before coming to Berkeley, Johannes completed his graduate work with Prof. Immanuel Bloch at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching. His thesis was focused on the study of ultracold Rydberg gases and their interactions at the single-atom level with a quantum gas microscope.
In his spare time, Johannes can be found running or road cycling in the Berkeley Hills.